“In workshops, I seek not to only teach technique or a technical skill set. I also provide you with some questions (and hopefully some answers!) that help you develop your personal vision and style.”
How to become a street photographer
This is a workshop without restrictions, without a pre-set direction I’m going to push you in.
The definition of street photography is vague and broad, and if you ask what its essence is, you’ll probably get a different answer from every photographer you ask.
In my workshop, the biggest focus is finding out what it means to you, and discover what direction you want to develop in as a photographer and an artist.
Whether you want to improve your technical and composition skills with a camera, develop a more comfortable attitude photographing strangers candidly or seek to grow an own style, my street photography workshops can help you out.
Request more information via the button or keep reading to find out more!
What does a photography workshop look like?
We hit the street together and learn both by talking and doing, shooting different situations and locations tailored as much to you or the group as possible.
Before the workshop, we will sit down and discuss goals and what we’ll be working on. At the end, we will reflect and - if you wish - plan how to build upon the lessons learned.
What you can expect
During workshops, you can expect tips and lessons on:
Reading light, and imagining how you can make a scene look its absolute best
Pre-visualizing situations and recognizing patterns in human behaviour so you can capture the decisive moment
Using creative techniques to clean up a scene and isolate subjects
Body language and movement, to make you more invisible or more sociable, depending on your goals.
Getting into a mindset: when and how to face fears and stay motivated.
Developing a style: how you can make pictures uniquely yours, through both composition and selection and editing.
Who is this workshop for?
It doesn’t matter if you’ve just picked up a camera or have been shooting for years.
The only things required are something that makes pictures and an attitude of serious interest in photography!
That said, you’ll get most value out of it if you have some of the technical basics down. The less time we spend on scrolling through camera menu’s, the more time we have to shoot and learn from real practical experience.
Fortunately, cameras have lots of automatic functions these days, and if you do not know all their secrets (who does?!) we can always find a way around them.
Pricing & Options
Private workshops
Each workshop is tailored to you and flexible in date and time. The default prices are for workshops in Amsterdam. I can also come to Rotterdam and Utrecht, but with a 25 euro surcharge for travel costs.
250 euro for a 2,5 hour workshop
300 euro for a 4 hour workshop
400 euro for a 6 hour workshop
Want to gift a workshop? Any of the preset private workshops can be bought as a voucher that can be redeemed at any time.
Group workshops
I provide custom group workshops on demand for both private and corporate clients. As these vary wildly and I want to offer good value, there is no set price. Please get in touch via me@joephijwegen.com or the form below to inquire.
Workshop & Coaching Packages
Looking for a little bit more guidance over a longer period of time?
I also offer a masterclass that combines in-person workshops, online coaching, editing lessons and portfolio reviews. These are available for all those with an interest in street photography, but offer the most value for more experienced photographers who are looking to develop their art and style further. To make sure you get the best value, there is an intake for this masterclass to make sure it is right for both of us.
Below is the default package, but every element can be tailored to your preference.
Street Photography Course - 1200 euro (possibility to pay in installments)
1x an intake an portfolio review of 1,5 hours, 3x a 4 hour workshop + 3x an online coaching sessies of 1,5 hours, discussing the work made during and between the workshops and guidance on editing, selection and presentation.
I offer a long term photography classroom course for corporate, cultural and educational clients. Please get in touch via me@joephijwegen.com or the form below to inquire.
Separate coaching sessions
Looking for more theoretical guidance or feedback on your photography? I also offer separate coaching sessions.
portfolio review - 1.5 hours for 100 eu
Editing & colour grading workshop - 2.5 hours for 250 eu
Both are available online and in person, with a 25 euro surcharge for travel outside of Amsterdam.
You can contact me via the form below, on instagram or via e-mail
If you want to book a private workshop and do not require extra information, you can also buy a workshop here, after which I will contact you to tailor it to your preference and set a date.